What does the plan include?

  • Updated

By purchasing a subscription, you get the complex planned approach to achieving your goals.

Here are what your plan includes: 

  • Personalised Workout Plan
    In our database, there are more than 200 exercises for different parts of the body. We combine static and dynamic exercises to get the best result. We guarantee that you’ll see the first body changes after 8 workouts.
  • Habit building system
    Improve not only physique but also develop healthy habits and fortitude. With MadMuscles, you can reduce your level of stress, improve your sex drive and try different life-changing challenges. 

The app also offers a variety of features to help you with your bodywork. With the plan, you receive a complex workout program and meal plan tailored to your preferences. In addition, you can access the workout library to try new types of training.

To help you track your progress, the app includes the Weight, Steps and Burned Calories trackers. You can view your Progress through the statistics overview, which provides a consistent update on your progress.

In addition, the app offers Challenges to help you focus on making lifestyle changes to improve your overall health and well-being.

The MadMuscles app also has 24/7 support to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

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